Saturday, January 2, 2010


I'm a little scared if i say this out loud things will change...But Kenzie has been the BEST little sleeper ever this past week. This week she mostly slept until 5am and the last 2 nights she didn't get up until 7am and 8am! Its sooooo nice!! Since about week 4 of her little life I have stuck to a bed time routine with her every single night. Not sure if that's why or what but it's been great!

We went to visit Elly today and Kenzie was such a good girl. We were in shock and laughing when we left because Elly didn't really make a peep in the few hours we were there. We didn't know babies could be awake and not crying.

Kenzie LOVES to eat her baby food now. She SHAKES when she see's it coming on the spoon. Ryan is trying to figure out how to email out the video of the first time she ate food. She was not a fan!

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