Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Just got word from Ryan that out little girl just rolled over for him all on her own! She cried though! lol He's a very proud daddy right now!

More sleep

Boring updates - huh? :)

Kenzie slept from 8pm until 4:43am! Ryan is spending a little QT time this week with Kenzie so he has been getting up with her so I can sleep until 5:40am when its time to get ready for work. It's been nice! I haven't had this much sleep since...well I can't even remember!

I think it might be time to start letting her cry is out at 5am so she just sleeps until 7am.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


3 nights in a row of 8 hours of sleep - I could get used to this fast!! I was a little nervous that Kenzie would not sleep good since she slept the whole way to and from the hospital. We came home and I gave her a bath and we did our normal routine so she would know it was bedtime and it worked! Still no pictures - tomorrow night i'll take some.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Progress...Kenzie rolled over for the first time for us last night! She went from her tummy to her back. She wasn't happy about it and cried halfway through the roll but she did it! I was getting her to focus on a toy which was making her turn her head and body to see and then it happened...she was on her back!! Ryan was making dinner so he missed it, but he is home all week with Kenzie so I'm sure he will be trying to get her to roll for him.

The last two nights she has slept until 5am! Its been nice!!! I hope she keeps it up!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Long Time

It's been a long long time since I last posted anything! I'm going to try to keep this blog going again since Rick and Sue will be leaving for the winter. This blog will be really boring unless you care about every move Mckenzie makes :) Here's a family picture from Christmas at Renee's house.